Terry, Candy and Jonathan Smith
479 E. Cherry Rd.
Quakertown, PA 18951
(215) 538-2179
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Phone # _____________________________________________________________________
Number of adults in the house hold _____
Number of children in the house hold _____
Hours per day, on a regular basis, that dog will be alone _____
What is your plan for dog's exercise _______________________________________________
Where in your home do you plan to keep the dog's crate _______________________________
What other dogs do you own and what are their ages __________________________________
Dogs you've owned in the past, how old were they when they left you and why ______________
Treating Vet's Signature _________________________________________________________
Vet's Name ___________________________________________________________________
Vet's Address _________________________________________________________________
Vet's Phone # _________________________________________________________________
Vet's Email ___________________________________________________________________